Marie-Louise von Franz y “Hamlet” de Shakespeare
José Zavala
En Octubre o Noviembre de 1971
fui a una hora de análisis con Marie-Louise von Franz. En el curso de esa
sesión, le conté uno de mis sueños en que aparecía el motivo de Hamlet de
Shakespeare. Ella no me pidió asociaciones, sino que empezó a discutir el
sueño, directamente: “Hamlet es aquel que no puede matar al amante ilegítimo de
su madre, por eso, no puede amar al Anima, la cual, luego, comete el suicidio.
Hamlet fracasa no por ser un cobarde, sino porque es exageradamente, correcto”.
Luego, por unos breves instantes,
ella estuvo en silencio y reflexiva. Después, empezó a hablar de nuevo, y,
agregó esto: “Lo que yo escribí acerca del Puer aeternus es la
superficie del complejo materno. Hamlet es la profundidad más oscura e
insondable de este complejo".
Nunca dejó de asombrarme cómo, a
menudo, Marie-Louise von Franz podía explicar, elucidar y captar un entero
proceso de vida con tal brevedad de palabras en un tiempo tan corto. Sus
palabras eran simples y naturales, pero penetraban en las profundidades, y, muy
frecuentemente, tocaban la médula.
Yo hice apuntes de lo que ella
dijo sobre Hamlet, después de la hora de análisis, pero, no le presté mayor
atención. Tiempo después, mientras estaba hojeando Zarathustra’s Seminar[1],
de C.G.Jung, por razones muy diferentes, me acordé de sus palabras, cuando yo
leía el comentario de Jung sobre la conversación entre Zarathustra y el enano.
Aquí, él dice: “Este pasaje es un gran lenguaje… Esas breves, monumentales
palabras de sabiduría vienen de los intestinos del mundo. Son como las palabras
de Lao-Tsé, o Pitágoras, o
Heráclito, breves y cargadas de sentido” .
Marie-Louise von Franz, siempre,
me habló con simples, y, sin embargo, palabras llenas de sentido, cuando tenía
que considerar, objetivamente, los contenidos psíquicos. Eran palabras que, no
sólo, escondían notable sabiduría sino que, también, vibraban con vigor. Era un
vigor, nunca excéntrico, del cual yo pude extraer lo que sería la sustancia
verdadera de la vida. Esta fuerza era un producto de su experiencia de la
realidad psíquica, vivenciada de un modo tan humano y consciente, que ella
vivió hasta el más grande extremo. Porque Marie-Louise von Franz no sólo,
estaba satisfecha de acercarse y delimitar la realidad, con el puro
razonamiento científico, ella, también, lo experimentaba y vivenciaba. De esta
experiencia tan humana, vivida tan profundamente, emanaba su risa tan sonora y
dorada, que ella misma no perdería, encarando su propia muerte.
Sus empresas científicas se
volvieron, siempre, una experiencia real, porque su sabiduría, siempre, estaba
rebosante de Eros. Ésta es la síntesis, de un valor precioso, que uno tenía,
cuando trabajaba con Marie-Louise von Franz. Pero, éste era el honor, sólo de
aquellos que tuvimos la suerte de
haber trabajado, realmente, con ella. El resto del mundo conoce, sólo, su
trabajo intelectual, es decir, sus libros, en los cuales uno percibe, sólo, una
luz trémula de su esencia real y única. Lo que, personalmente, me toca a mí es
el profundo respeto que yo siempre siento cuando pienso en el temor y la
religiosidad, con que Marie-Louise von Franz manejaba los contenidos del
inconsciente. Yo sólo puedo decir como Hamlet: The rest is silence.
* The Fountain of the love of Wisdom: An Homage to Marie-Louise von Franz. Edited by Emmanuel Kennedy-Kypolitas.Chiron
Publications. Wilmette, Illinois. 2006. Traducción de Yolanda Elvira.
[1] JUNG, C.G. (1988) el Zarathustra de Nietzsche. Las notas en el seminario cedido 1934-1939 James L. Jarrett, el ed. Princeton,
Princeton Univ. La prensa. Vol. 2., pág. 127
Editado por Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas
Editado por Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas
Marie-Louise von Franz fue un individuo único. Todos los que la conocieron fueron tocados por su gran espíritu de apertura y su devoción hacia el inconsciente tal como fue vislumbrado por C. G. Jung. Se han recogido las contribuciones en esta publicación conmemorativa para honrar este espíritu y esta devoción al inconsciente, la verdadera esencia de esta mujer.
Compilado por Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas con la ayuda de Marie-Anne von Franz, su hermana, y Dr. Alfred Ribi, presidente del Club Psicológico de Zürich, las contribuciones - qué abarcan desde breves cartas hasta artículos completos – son tan variadas como las personas que se encontraron con von Franz en el curso de su larga vida como estudiante, colega de Jung, analista, conferenciante, y escritora. Parientes, amigos, conocidos, colegas, analizados, doctores, ayudantes, secretarias, enfermeras, editores, vecinos, y obreros, e incluso personas que ella no conoció personalmente pero con quien ella había correspondido, expresan sus sentimientos, y exponen su más profundo ser, e incluso comparten sus sueños en estas páginas.
Una selección de comunicaciones de su muerte y necrológicas
Comentarios a su muerte aparecidos en Internet
Los tres elogios pronunciados en su funeral
el 26 de febrero de 1998
Discursos de cumpleaños
Impresiones personales
Comentarios y reflexiones sobre sus libros
Un boceto biográfico por su hermana
Una bibliografía de sus escritos en inglés
que incluyen libros, artículos, y su trabajo en películas
Fotografías de su vida
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Chiron Publications
ISBN 1-888602-38-4
Edited by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas
Marie-Louise von Franz was a unique individual. All who knew her were touched by her great spirit of openness and her devotion toward the unconscious as envisioned by C. G. Jung. The contributions in this commemorative publication have been gathered to honor this spirit and this devotion to the unconscious, the very essence of the woman herself.
Compiled by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas with the assistance of Marie-Anne, her sister, and Dr. Alfred Ribi, president of the Psychological Club of Zürich, the contributions - which range from brief letters to full-length articles - are as varied as the people who met von Franz in the course of her long life as a scholar, a colleague of Jung, an analyst, a lecturer, and a writer. Relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, analysands, doctors, assistants, secretaries, nurses, publishers, neighbors, and workers, and even people she did not know persona1ly but with whom she had corresponded, express their . feelings, expose their innermost being, and even share their dreams in these pages.
A selection of death announcements and obituaries
Responses to her death shared on the Internet
The three eulogies delivered at her memorial
service on February 26, 1998
A sprink1ing of birthday addresses
Personal impressions
Comments and reflections on her books
A biographic sketch by her sister
A bibliography of her writings in English
including books, articles, and her work on film
Photographs from her life
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Or in the U.S., call (800) 856-8664 outside the U. S., call (703) 661-1500
Chiron Publications :
ISBN 1-888602-38-4
Table of contents for “The fountain of the love of wisdom”:
An homage to Marie-Louise von Franz Edited by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas.
Foreword by Alfred Ribi
Introduction by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas
Part One:
Reflections on the Death of Marie-Louise von Franz Death Announcements
Internet Responses
Part Two:
Part Three:
Birthday Addresses
Part Four:
Personal Impressions
Part Five:
Book Reviews and Publishers¿ Comments
Part Six:
Some Biographic Data on Marie-Louise von Franz by her sister, Marie-Anne von Franz
Part Seven: Contributions
Al Huang Chungliang :The Tao of Primal Chaos -Hùn Dùn: A Remembrance of Marie-Louise von Franz
Altmann-Glaser, Christine Frau Holle in the Depths of Our Souls
Aurigemma, Luigi Reflections on the Philosophy of Marie-Louise von Franz
Baumann, Dieter Individuation in the Spirit of Love
Card, Charles Reflections on von Franz´s Work with Number Archetypes
Comandini Federico de Luca Color and the Imagination
Dorbarakis, Nikolas Marie-Louise von Franz: A Model of Devotion to the Spiritual World
Dupport-Rozan, Jean-Pierre The Song of Exile Tao
Dykes,Andrea Encounter in the Unconscious
Eldred, David Having had the honor . . . .
Erkelens, Herbert van Bridging the Gap between Physics and Depth Psychology
Ferrari, Guido A Memory of Marie-Louise von Franz
Frantz, Gilda A Reminiscence
Gambini,Roberto Marie-Louise von Franz as Thesis Advisor
Goto, Kazu The Journey of Individuation: A Matter of Life and Death
Hannah, E. J. Marlus ¿the Mischievous One
Harris, Susan Four Swans Gliding out to the Sea
Hude, Georges Contacting the Other-Worldly Image
Hutton, Robin Lea Walking with Kings without Losing the Common Touch
Inhelder-Buechel, Renate Living in Her Own World
Just, Wilhelm The Teumessian Chase
Kardaun, Maria Oblomov and the Russian Mother Complex
Kline, Robert Care for This House
Köerner, Waltraud Relying on the Wisdom of the Self
Landtwing, Fritz Memories of Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz
Laughlin, Tom Two Remarkable Moments
Loetscher, Theres Horoscope of Marie-Louise von Franz
Lyons, Roger Dream Analysis with Marie-Louise von Franz
Maguire, Anne The Psychology of the Archetype of the Veiled Kabir: The Genius of Mankind
Mercurio, Robert Memories of Marie-Louise von Franz
Mindell, Lara On the Tao of Uselessness
Mindell, Nora In Loving Memory of Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz
Monzó, Rafael Correspondence with Marie-Louise von Franz
Niggli, Hans Nibby: A Deeply Loved but Very Difficult Master Oggenfuss, Gertrude Sometimes Individuation Must Take the Place of the Church
Perez, Marta Susana A Dream with an Owl
Rasmussen, Gorm Pagan in the Head - Christian in the Heart
Raymann, Christine The ¿Stone Tower in Moos in Bollingen
Reiff, Vicki Searching Continually for Meaning
Ribi, Alfred For the Festschrift in Honor of Marie-Louise von Franz
Roth, Remo My Personal Memories of Marie-Louise von Franz
Scheinost, Mary Marie-Louise von Franz and Her "Apero"
Schellbrett, Gertrud Marie-Louise von Franz: an Example of Complete Loyalty
Selhofer, Françoise Dream of a Lit Up Cathedral Buried in the Mountain
Sharp, Daryl The Puer and the Patron
Spicer, Nicholas Listen to Your Dreams
Spiegelman, Marvin Pleasure Being in Jung´s Pocket
Stein, Murray Some Images of Dr. von Franz
Streich, Hildemarie Music in Dreams
Suter, Vreni My Encounter with Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz
Taylor-Laughlin, Delores Becoming the Woman You Are Supposed to Be
Walker, Carl Sisters and Brothers in the Spirit
Yoshida, Satomi A Stone and a Dress
Zavala, José Marie-Louise von Franz and Shakespeare´s Hamlet
Zoccoli Francescini, Ida Regina The Trout
Part Eight:
Published Works in English
Books of Marie-Louise von Franz Published in English
Articles and Interviews with Marie-Louise von Franz Published in English
Films with Marie-Louise von Franz
List of Illustrations
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:
Franz, Marie-Luise von, 1915 - 1998,Jungian psychology.Psychoanalysis.
Vol. 52 Issue 5, Pag.678-679
24 Oct 2007
David Oswald
This loving tribute to the late Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz appeared last autumn, some eight years after her death in February of 1998. Compiled by her former student and long-time
associate, Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas, it collects the public announcements of her death, eulogies by Anne McGuire and Alfred Ribi, a
chronology of her life, a short biographical sketch by her sister
Marie-Anne and a bibliography of her works in English together with a
few brief review comments. The majority and heart
of the book, however, is comprised by the numerous personal memories, observations and contributions solicited from the many people whose lives she touched. Twentyfour pages of well-chosen photographs, some in colour, complement the biographical data, showing von Franz at various ages and at work and at ease with colleagues and friends.
The handful of short formal essays among fifty-five contributions reflects many of von Franz’s favourite interests. The importance of having the right attitude when approaching the ambiguous realm of the Great Mother is explored through an interpretation of an African version of the Grimms’ fairytale ‘Mother Holle’ (Christine
Altmann-Glaser). A devouring mother complex is diagnosed for the protagonist in
Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, yet its manifestations are also interpreted constructively as the novelist’s attempt to recapture values lost in Russia’s transition toward modernity (Maria Kardaun). In a more philosophical vein, the logos is seen as a necessary fracture, emerging out of the continuity of the Tao, a relationship illustrated here with works by Borges, Dali, and others (Jean-Pierre Duport-Rozan). A meandering discussion of the re-emergence of the feminine in our time is based on an extended correspondence with von Franz in her final years and concludes with the hope of repairing the breach of eros between Christianity and Islam (Rafael Monzó). In other contributions, music is examined as a symbol in numerous dreams (Hildemarie Streich), the use of colour in active imagination is explored (Federico de Luca Comandini), and somewhat farther afield, a brief astrological reading of von Franz’s natal chart and her synastry horoscope with Jung is presented (Therese Loetscher).
The personal impressions by von Franz’s analysands, students, colleagues, fellow scholars and scientists come together as a mosaic of her professional activities. Many of these people travelled long distances—geographically as well as psychologically—
to work with her. Often nourished in advance by her books, they invariably came away impressed with her broad learning, dedication to the life of the unconscious, and the strong spiritual sense she embodied. Von Franz’s special ability to grasp and express clearly the core of a person’s current psychological situation allowed her with equal ease to encourage hesitant souls to have more trust in life or more confidence in their intellectual work, to rebuke ill-prepared examinees, to remain uncomfortably
but intentionally distant as a thesis adviser, and yet to embrace warmly an alienated introvert. Her Puer Aeternus lectures were tremendously inspirational to many. Her difficult book, Number and Time, in contrast, with its revolutionary attempt to find a unifying ground for physics and depth psychology, led the few here who could grasp it to explicate its ideas further.
Many contributors knew von Franz from outside her professional activities. In addition to friends and neighbours in Küsnacht and Bollingen, we hear from the veterinarian in whose arms her beloved bulldog Nibby died, from her attendant at the Baden health spa, from the Danish TV interviewer who tried unsuccessfully to
improve von Franz’s opinion of Hans Christian Andersen, and from the film producer moved by her lecture on the Swiss mystic Niklaus von der Fl ¨ ue to collaborate with her on a documentary. Her housekeeper of seventeen years relates the daily humour
and warmth that infused von Franz’s household with Barbara Hannah. A caregiver, increasingly necessary as her Parkinson’s disease progressed, recalls both comforting dreams and disquieting ones that von Franz reported near the end of her life.
Yet whether the contributor’s connection was professional or personal—and it is often difficult to tell since the persons are not further identified beyond their own words—the reader over and over again finds mention of von Franz’s modesty, her down-to-earth nature, her sense of humour, her love of nature, her appreciation of good food and wine, and most especially the warmth that went out to those whom she met.
An unusual aspect of this Festschrift is its editor’s intent to show how the unconscious perceived von Franz. Dreams by contributors about von Franz and second-hand reports of her own dreams are sprinkled liberally throughout. One finds her arriving at a
banquet in an illuminated cathedral, buried in a mountain, or jumping into the middle of a campfire that animals have started, or huddled on a beach in a terrible storm, or being intensely agitated but unable to speak, or being an owl, or walking gracefully in
a black lace dress. The frequent lack of interpretations to accompany these dreams may frustrate readers who are curious about a subjective factor in dreams. There is also no attempt finally to weave these images into a coherent whole, leaving the reader with the impression that the unconscious viewed von Franz as a mirror of its own creative chaos.
If there is a fault with this book, it is one of excess. Love often knows no bounds and the similar tone of many contributions occasionally becomes tiresome. Yet in the end, one is moved by the sincerity of the responses. It matters little whether one agrees
with Alfred Ribi that it was from von Franz’s hands that the spirit of Jung was passed on to the next generation, or whether one joins J. Marvin Spiegelman in overlooking the idealization of Jung simply to honour her as an important spiritual ancestor of the Jungian tradition. The reader is grateful for the multifaceted look back at this gifted explorer of the unconscious and for the window it opens onto the fast disappearing world that she fundamentally helped to shape.
of the book, however, is comprised by the numerous personal memories, observations and contributions solicited from the many people whose lives she touched. Twentyfour pages of well-chosen photographs, some in colour, complement the biographical data, showing von Franz at various ages and at work and at ease with colleagues and friends.
The handful of short formal essays among fifty-five contributions reflects many of von Franz’s favourite interests. The importance of having the right attitude when approaching the ambiguous realm of the Great Mother is explored through an interpretation of an African version of the Grimms’ fairytale ‘Mother Holle’ (Christine
Altmann-Glaser). A devouring mother complex is diagnosed for the protagonist in
Goncharov’s novel Oblomov, yet its manifestations are also interpreted constructively as the novelist’s attempt to recapture values lost in Russia’s transition toward modernity (Maria Kardaun). In a more philosophical vein, the logos is seen as a necessary fracture, emerging out of the continuity of the Tao, a relationship illustrated here with works by Borges, Dali, and others (Jean-Pierre Duport-Rozan). A meandering discussion of the re-emergence of the feminine in our time is based on an extended correspondence with von Franz in her final years and concludes with the hope of repairing the breach of eros between Christianity and Islam (Rafael Monzó). In other contributions, music is examined as a symbol in numerous dreams (Hildemarie Streich), the use of colour in active imagination is explored (Federico de Luca Comandini), and somewhat farther afield, a brief astrological reading of von Franz’s natal chart and her synastry horoscope with Jung is presented (Therese Loetscher).
The personal impressions by von Franz’s analysands, students, colleagues, fellow scholars and scientists come together as a mosaic of her professional activities. Many of these people travelled long distances—geographically as well as psychologically—
to work with her. Often nourished in advance by her books, they invariably came away impressed with her broad learning, dedication to the life of the unconscious, and the strong spiritual sense she embodied. Von Franz’s special ability to grasp and express clearly the core of a person’s current psychological situation allowed her with equal ease to encourage hesitant souls to have more trust in life or more confidence in their intellectual work, to rebuke ill-prepared examinees, to remain uncomfortably
but intentionally distant as a thesis adviser, and yet to embrace warmly an alienated introvert. Her Puer Aeternus lectures were tremendously inspirational to many. Her difficult book, Number and Time, in contrast, with its revolutionary attempt to find a unifying ground for physics and depth psychology, led the few here who could grasp it to explicate its ideas further.
Many contributors knew von Franz from outside her professional activities. In addition to friends and neighbours in Küsnacht and Bollingen, we hear from the veterinarian in whose arms her beloved bulldog Nibby died, from her attendant at the Baden health spa, from the Danish TV interviewer who tried unsuccessfully to
improve von Franz’s opinion of Hans Christian Andersen, and from the film producer moved by her lecture on the Swiss mystic Niklaus von der Fl ¨ ue to collaborate with her on a documentary. Her housekeeper of seventeen years relates the daily humour
and warmth that infused von Franz’s household with Barbara Hannah. A caregiver, increasingly necessary as her Parkinson’s disease progressed, recalls both comforting dreams and disquieting ones that von Franz reported near the end of her life.
Yet whether the contributor’s connection was professional or personal—and it is often difficult to tell since the persons are not further identified beyond their own words—the reader over and over again finds mention of von Franz’s modesty, her down-to-earth nature, her sense of humour, her love of nature, her appreciation of good food and wine, and most especially the warmth that went out to those whom she met.
An unusual aspect of this Festschrift is its editor’s intent to show how the unconscious perceived von Franz. Dreams by contributors about von Franz and second-hand reports of her own dreams are sprinkled liberally throughout. One finds her arriving at a
banquet in an illuminated cathedral, buried in a mountain, or jumping into the middle of a campfire that animals have started, or huddled on a beach in a terrible storm, or being intensely agitated but unable to speak, or being an owl, or walking gracefully in
a black lace dress. The frequent lack of interpretations to accompany these dreams may frustrate readers who are curious about a subjective factor in dreams. There is also no attempt finally to weave these images into a coherent whole, leaving the reader with the impression that the unconscious viewed von Franz as a mirror of its own creative chaos.
If there is a fault with this book, it is one of excess. Love often knows no bounds and the similar tone of many contributions occasionally becomes tiresome. Yet in the end, one is moved by the sincerity of the responses. It matters little whether one agrees
with Alfred Ribi that it was from von Franz’s hands that the spirit of Jung was passed on to the next generation, or whether one joins J. Marvin Spiegelman in overlooking the idealization of Jung simply to honour her as an important spiritual ancestor of the Jungian tradition. The reader is grateful for the multifaceted look back at this gifted explorer of the unconscious and for the window it opens onto the fast disappearing world that she fundamentally helped to shape.
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